Today is kind of one of those days... you know the kind. It's rainy and dark and overall gloomy outside. The kind of day that makes you want to cuddle up under a big blanket and watch old movies all day long. If I weren't stuck at work- that's exactly what I'd do.
So here I am to my 2nd post and I'm still trying to figure this whole blog thing out. I wasn't sure what to write about, because well... most of the blogs I read have something to focus on. An engagement to announce, a wedding being planned, a new job, a baby on the way, a devastating event that has forever changed their life... things like that. I don't have any "news"... no one thing to focus on and write about. I guess thats not entirely a bad thing, considering no news is sometimes good news, right? At least that's what they tell me.
So here is a little background of my life in case someone reads this and doesn't know anything about me. I'm 28 years old (which feels OLD to me), I'm a Purchasing Assistant for a small company based in Fairfield, OH (I've worked there since 2003 when I started as an Administrative Assistant), I have a BIG family (15 brothers and sisters!), I met my boyfriend Dale at work a few years ago (he works in Manufacturing and QC) and after being friends for about a year we started dating in 2007... (he is the person I'd been waiting for and I'm so lucky to have him!!) and lastly and most importantly I'm a mother. Brandon is 5 years old... almost 6 and I could not imagine life without him. Those of you close to me know that he was a huge surprise (understatement of the year!) and I went through a lot of bad times adjusting to being a single mom because of the circumstances, but I would not change any of it now. Sometimes the best things in our life come out of the worst things in our life. Life is funny that way! Fast forward to now... Dale, B and I have this great little family together and life is good. I finally have a partner and B finally has a dad- we are blessed.
But here's the thing... most of the time I'm happy and excited about life- dreaming about the future and thinking about all the good things to come. Other times I feel like the oldest 28 year old around. It seems like everyone I know is either engaged, married, pregnant, pregnant with their 2nd child, or has an amazing career. Sometimes I wonder why I've been stuck in the same place for so long? I wonder what is wrong with me that I'm so far behind everyone else? I know it's silly and ridiculous but it is what it is. I know "my time" is coming (lord knows I've been hearing that for years) but waiting is the hardest part...
Hopefully someday I will have big news to share and my blogs will be a little more appealing to read... (can you say Debbie Downer? lol) It's not that I'm unhappy or not thankful for what I have- because I AM BOTH HAPPY AND THANKFUL! I just see myself somewhere else in life and struggling to get there sometimes gets the best of me. I don't know any other way to be but honest.
Well... I should get back to work. Hopefully the rain clouds disappear and the sun comes out today. I could use some sunshine!
♥ maria
Omaha and The Omaha Zoo
12 years ago
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